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Thursday 14 July 2011

Back Sacrification

If you like extreme body modifications, you will love this picture. It’s a pretty large back scarification that’s so fresh it’s still bleeding and by the looks of it – not finished yet. It must have taken a very long time to carve this much into the back of the brave guy who must have taken quite a bit of time off waiting for his back to heal up for the rest of the scarring to be done.
Unlike with tattoos, when it come to scarification, final results are much less predictable as its look will depend a lot on how the scars form during healing processes. I don’t have a picture of what this art looked like when it healed, but there are some fine lines the artist followed and I can’t imagine those looked that awesome when scars formed up. Pretty bad ass permanent body mod either way, though.

Design Mess-Up Announcement

The reason why I’m making this oddly timed post is that I’m gonna try to mess around a bit with the site’s design tonight so if you stick around, you may notice that it will jump from one silly looking thing to another. I’ve done a lot of work optimizing the database today to make the site more stable and secure. It won’t be affecting speed of the site directly, but should deliver small improvements in that front as well. It was mostly related to not making necessary DB requests when pages could be processed without it. Speed won’t be affected all that much, but server will be taking less of a beating with each click which could indirectly result in faster processing times.
But since I’ve already done all that and feel in the mood to do more, I thought of messing around with the design. However since I’m not a designer and can’t come up with anything eye catching, I’m gonna try downgrading the design to the same look and feel everybody else is using because if they are using it, it must be functional and practical. Simple design should further help with stability and security and should see fewer malfunctions. Afterall, it’s not the website’s design why people read Best Gore, is it? In my mind, if it were, nobody would be here cause design right now kind of sucks.
I promise the site will be as simple and straightforward to use as it is now, but will have slightly improved commenting with (hopefully) functional pagination and threading. Anyway – I’m gonna test a few things out so if you’re around, you may notice that the look of the site will keep changing and switching from one oddly looking thing to another. I’m just gonna try it out and see if anything works. If not, I will revert it all to the same old look we have right now. Hopefully I won’t screw it all up to a point of paralyzing the entire site. Also, hopefully this post will be enough to prevent whose of you who would feel compelled to send me emails asking what was going on with the site from doing so.
Despite this announcement, you can normally comment on the back scarification picture if you like it. Would you have your back scarified like this?

 Courtesy of

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